Covid -19 – All Legal Requirements and Restrictions Lifted

24th February 2022

What We Are Leaving In Place

Even though all restrictions have been lifted we have decided to leave some things in place at the Wedge

Queue System in the Bar

We’ve had a lot of positive feedback on our new bar queuing system so we are leaving it in place. Please continue to follow signage around the bar area, and keep an eye out for when a space appears at the bar.

The Edge is staying open during Wedge shows to allow for additional spacing and seating

Hand Sanitiser stations

All hand sanitiser stations are staying put for continued use. These are refilled before each show

Face Coverings

If you’d like to wear a face covering, feel free.

Whatever your personal choice we will provide free masks at the bars and in the foyer if you decide at the last minute that you would still prefer to wear one.


If you are feeling unwell and have access to lateral flow tests, we recommend testing before coming to the venue to keep others safe.

Ventilation & Space

The Wedgewood rooms has both air extraction, and air conditioning which pumps in fresh air from outside of the venue. This will be running before, during and after the show.

We will be opening doors around the building between acts to increase airflow into the venue.

We are looking into installing UVC virus killers within the building as a long term approach to virus protection.


We will be sticking with just e tickets for shows, available from our website. You can show these on your phone or print them off . E tickets have proved to be the most efficient way of notifying ticket holders if a show has rescheduled or been cancelled.

Buying tickets in advance via the website also allows us to plan for a safer evening.

If any show is postponed we will endeavour to reschedule it and notify you. If a show cannot be rescheduled then you will be refunded the full value of the ticket.

Again if any of laws or guidelines change we will keep you notified.

Thank you all & Stay Safe we are nearly there.

Team Wedge


Covid -19 – Plan B Restrictions Lifted

26th January 2022

Now Plan B restrictions have been lifted we can procede as we were before they were put in place

However we would like to highlight the following:


Test yourselves regularly, please make sure that you test negative before coming to the venue. Lateral Flow Tests are readily available and free from Pharmacies and online, and Omicron is still around in our community. We will not be asking for proof of this on entry.

Face Coverings

We are happy for you to wear a face covering to protect yourself and others if you choose to. However, we would like you to respect peoples individual choices, we are not all the same, and we all have different levels of risk tolerance.

Whatever your personal choice we will provide free masks at the bars and in the foyer, in case you have forgotten yours, or if you decide at the last minute that you would prefer to wear one.

Use the hand sanitiser

We will maintain and increase the hand sanitiser stations around the Venue.

We will deep clean the venue before and after the show, and will be cleaning contact points more regularly.

,B>Get yourselves vaccinated and boosted

If you can’t do any of these things, we will not exclude you from the venue, nor will we be asking for vaccine passports or proof of negative test, but these steps will help keep everyone just that little bit safer.

We are operating a staff testing regime, to protect both staff and customers.

Ventilation & Space

The Wedgewood rooms has both air extraction, and air conditioning which pumps in fresh air from outside of the venue. This will be running before, during and after the show.

We will be opening doors around the building between acts to increase airflow into the venue.

We will have the Edge open for all Wedge shows to put additional space into the building, and provide a ‘safe space’ if you feel that the Wedge is too crowded for you.

If at any point you feel overwhelmed or you know someone who is, please let a member of staff know and we will get you to a safe space as quickly as possible, whether that be in the venue, or outside

Wash your hands

Please wash your hands regularly and for longer.

We will maintain and increase the hand sanitiser stations around the Venue. We will deep clean the venue before and after the show, and will be cleaning contact points more regularly.

Checking In

Customers are encouraged to still use the NHS Track & Trace app to check into the venue. This will help to reduce the spread of the virus and will protect other customers, visitors and staff.


We will be sticking with just e tickets for shows, available from our website. You can show these on your phone to help reduce physical contact.

Buying tickets in advance via the website allows us to plan for a safer evening.

If any show is postponed we will endeavour to reschedule it, as we have done throughout the pandemic. If a show cannot be rescheduled then you will be refunded the full value of the ticket.

Bars & Toilets

Both of these areas are tight spaces and prone to overcrowding. We will be keeping a queueing system for both of these.

We will be opening the Edge for all shows to provide additional toilet and bar facilities.

For seated shows with tables, like Comedy Club, we will continue to use the BUTLR app for table service and ordering.

Respect for each other

We all still have a part to play in keeping Staff, other customers, Artists and yourselves safe.

Please respect each others needs and personal decisions.

If any of these guidelines change we will keep you notified.

Thank you all & Stay Safe

Team Wedge


Covid -19 – Plan B Update

10th December 2021

After reading the new guidelines and receiving advice it would appear that none of the new restrictions apply to us as we are a venue with capacity less than 500.

However we would like to highlight the following:

Face Coverings

We would encourage you to wear a face covering to protect yourself and others, but understand if you are unable or choose not to. However, we would like you to respect peoples individual choices, we are not all the same, and we all have different levels of risk tolerance.

Whatever your personal choice we will provide free masks at the bars and in the foyer, in case you have forgotten yours, or if you decide at the last minute that you would prefer to wear one.

Use the hand sanitiser

We will maintain and increase the hand sanitiser stations around the Venue.

We will deep clean the venue before and after the show, and will be cleaning contact points more regularly.


Test yourselves regularly, please make sure that you test negative before coming to the venue. Lateral Flow Tests are readily available and free from Pharmacies and online.

Get yourselves vaccinated and boosted

If you can’t do any of these things, we will not exclude you from the venue, nor will we be asking for vaccine passports or proof of negative test, but these steps will help keep everyone just that little bit safer.

We are operating a staff testing regime, to protect both staff and customers.

Ventilation & Space

The Wedgewood rooms has both air extraction, and air conditioning which pumps in fresh air from outside of the venue. This will be running before, during and after the show.

We will be opening doors around the building between acts to increase airflow into the venue.

We will have the Edge open for all Wedge shows to put additional space into the building, and provide a ‘safe space’ if you feel that the Wedge is too crowded for you.

If at any point you feel overwhelmed or you know someone who is, please let a member of staff know and we will get you to a safe space as quickly as possible, whether that be in the venue, or outside

Wash your hands

Please wash your hands regularly and for longer.

We will maintain and increase the hand sanitiser stations around the Venue. We will deep clean the venue before and after the show, and will be cleaning contact points more regularly.

Checking In

Customers are encouraged to still use the NHS Track & Trace app to check into the venue. This will help to reduce the spread of the virus and will protect other customers, visitors and staff.


We will be sticking with just e tickets for shows, available from our website. You can show these on your phone to help reduce physical contact.

Buying tickets in advance via the website allows us to plan for a safer evening.

If any show is postponed we will endeavour to reschedule it, as we have done throughout the pandemic. If a show cannot be rescheduled then you will be refunded the full value of the ticket.

Bars & Toilets

Both of these areas are tight spaces and prone to overcrowding. We will be introducing a queueing system for both of these.

We will be opening the Edge for all shows to provide additional toilet and bar facilities.

For seated shows with tables, like Comedy Club, we will continue to use the BUTLR app for table service and ordering.

Respect for each other

We all have a part to play in keeping Staff, other customers, Artists and yourselves safe.

Please respect each others needs and personal decisions.

If any of these guidelines change we will keep you notified.

Thank you all & Stay Safe

Team Wedge


Covid -19 – An Update

9th December 2021

Following on from the announcement on 8th December to move to 'Plan B' we are currently awaiting clarification on some areas mentioned by the Government.

In the meantime, we are asking all our customers to #takeatest before coming to the venue and make use of the hand sanitiser stations round the building.

We will keep you updated when we have had further information. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Covid -19 – An Update

19th July 2021 Onwards

Throughout the pandemic we have focussed every decision around the safety of you the customer, and our staff. As the government guidelines ease today, we feel that it is up to all of us to keep each other safe, we each have a part to play so here is a list of guidelines from today at the Wedgewood Rooms. We all want Live music back in all its glory but we need to work together to make this happen in a safe way.


If you have symptoms, think you may be an infection risk, or have come into contact with someone with Covid – 19 then please don’t come to the show.

Health Checks

We recommend that you do what you feel you can to reduce the risk to others

Test yourselves regularly

Get yourselves vaccinated

If you can’t do any of these things, we will not exclude you from the venue, nor will we be asking for vaccine passports of any form but these steps will help keep everyone just that little bit safer.

We are operating a staff testing regime.

Face Coverings

Our staff will be wearing face coverings, unless they are working behind screens.

We would encourage you to wear a face covering to protect yourself and others, but understand if you are unable or choose not to. However, we would like you to respect peoples individual choices, we are not all the same, and we all have different levels of risk tolerance.

Whatever your personal choice we will provide free masks at the bars and in the foyer, in case you have forgotten yours, or if you decide at the last minute that you would prefer to wear one.

Ventilation & Space

The Wedgewood rooms has both air extraction, and air conditioning which pumps in fresh air from outside of the venue. This will be running before, during and after the show.

We will be opening doors around the building between acts to increase airflow into the venue.

We will have the Edge open for all Wedge shows to put additional space into the building, and provide a ‘safe space’ if you feel that the Wedge is too crowded for you.

If at any point you feel overwhelmed or you know someone who is, please let a member of staff know and we will get you to a safe space as quickly as possible, whether that be in the venue, or outside

Wash your hands

Please wash your hands regularly and for longer.

We will maintain and increase the hand sanitiser stations around the Venue. We will deep clean the venue before and after the show, and will be cleaning contact points more regularly.

Checking In

Customers are encouraged to still use the NHS Track & Trace app to check into the venue. This will help to reduce the spread of the virus and will protect other customers, visitors and staff.


We will be sticking with just e tickets for shows, available from our website. You can show these on your phone to help reduce physical contact.

Buying tickets in advance via the website allows us to plan for a safer evening.

If any show is postponed we will endeavour to reschedule it, as we have done throughout the pandemic. If a show cannot be rescheduled then you will be refunded the full value of the ticket.

Bars & Toilets

Both of these areas are tight spaces and prone to overcrowding. We will be introducing a queueing system for both of these.

We will be opening the Edge for all shows to provide additional toilet and bar facilities.

For seated shows with tables, like Comedy Club, we will continue to use the BUTLR app for table service and ordering.

Respect for each other

We all have a part to play in keeping Staff, other customers, Artists and yourselves safe.

Please respect each others needs and personal decisions.


We are very excited about the full return of live music, and it will be great to spend the evening with you , but the next few months could be quite a difficult transition for all of us.

We all have different levels of risk judgement so please be considerate to others that may feel more vulnerable, nervous or anxious. It will only take a bit of kindness from all of us to keep the Wedge a safe space.


We have at times been overwhelmed by the support of customers and our local community over the last year and we want to say thank you again for your support throughout this time. The knowledge of what this place means to you all has helped us fight through the challenges of the last 14 months.

Without you we wouldn’t be able to make those memories that you obviously all hold dear, and with help from MVT and Arts Council England, we have been able to show the importance of this space both locally and nationally.

Thank you all & Stay Safe

Team Wedge


Covid -19 – An Update

Events post 19th July 2021

We are currently exploring options to protect, our staff, customers and artists in a world with no Government Covid Restrictions. We will publish details here once we have thoroughly explored the options open to us.

Thanks for your patience

Team Wedge


Covid -19 – An Update

July 2021

We are opened for a small run of socially distanced shows from July 14th 2021. Visit our listings to see what we have in store for you, more to be announced shortly. In order to do this safely there will be a number of measures in place to make sure the environment is Covid secure

A comprehensive list of measures below. Please do feel free to contact us at if you have any concerns. In short

• Reduced capacity with limited spaces available

• Socially distanced bubbles of 2 and 4 and 6

• Limited amount of individual tickets for solo gig goers

• Table service via the Butlr app

.•Alternatively you can order from your table and pay by card

• Tickets only available in advance

• Tickets only available online

•You must sign in via the Test & Trace app

•Masks to be worn on entry, when going to the toilet and when you leave or if you are moving in any way around the venue In depth

• Please do not attend the event if you or anyone you have been in contact with are displaying symptoms of COVID-19 or have contracted the virus. The symptoms are: new and persistent cough, loss of taste and/ or smell and a high temperature. If you are displaying these symptoms, we advise that you remain at home and book at test via the NHS Test and Trace service.

• Each group can have a maximum of 6 members. We ask that your social bubble is made up of the government permitted mixture of households. You will be allocated a bubble/ suitable table upon entry and cannot move to another bubble upon allocation. Failure to comply with this will result in removal from the venue. Once you are set up in your bubble, we ask that you remain within that space as best you can for the remainder of the show.

•Bubbles of 2 and 4 are available on our site but if you would like to make a 3 you can, as long as this is arranged in advance and we are notified. Make sure the person buying the ticket for the 2 also buys a ticket for the 1 and we can create a table of 3 for you. It must be in the same persons name for clarity and you must let us know in advance. Please contact if you have any queries regarding this.

.We are aware that some of you bought tickets individually, We can group surnames together, but if you have planned to sit with specific people can you please let us know my midday on the day of the show. Email the information to

• Upon arrival at the venue, we ask that you please scan the NHS Test and Trace barcode this is a legal requirement before entry. This will enable the NHS to contact people who may have come in to contact with an individual who has tested positive for COVID-19 after the event.

• All bubble members must leave contact details, failure to do so will mean that you will not be allowed into the event, nor will your ticket be refunded. Details will be kept for a total of 21 days after the event this allows an incubation period after the event in case of an outbreak.

• We will only use the details given for the NHS Track and Trace service and will not share any information with third parties. After 21 days, the written data will be disposed of in a correct manner which will ensure all data is destroyed.

• All customers must social distance when entering, during and leaving the venue.

• Where you can, please remain 2 meters from anyone outside your bubble.

•We ask that all customers make use of Sanitation Stations set up in various locations throughout the venue. Please ensure you are frequently cleaning your hands.

• Please listen to instructions and adhere to details given to you by venue staff.

• You must wear a mask at all times whilst moving around the venue - this can be removed only when sat at your table.

• You are not permitted to bring your own food and drink in to the venue. If individuals are heavily intoxicated, they will be escorted from the building to keep in line with social distancing rules.

• All bar orders where ever possible should be done by the BUTLR ordering app, and drinks will be bought to your table. There will be NO service at the bar.- we can provide alternative means of ordering and contactless payment if needed. Please take your drinks from the tray and put any empties on the tray to be taken away by the bar staff.

• If the event is cancelled due to a change in local or national policy then you will receive a refund to the value of your ticket.

• All adults with children are responsible for their children. This includes in instances of social distancing; parents and guardians must ensure that their children social distance from those outside their bubble.

• If customers are purposely not following social distancing measures, the venue management and security may deem it appropriate to remove individuals from the venue.

• These restrictions are valid at time of ticket sale and may be subject to change in line with current government policy around which Tier Portsmouth is currently.

We will email you the day before the show to give you the most up to date guidelines from us, please look out for this --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Covid -19 – An Update

December 2020

Given the recent uncertainty around tiered restrictions, we, in consultation with staff, artists and promoters, have collaboratively decided to reschedule or cancel the few shows that we had scheduled for December

Whilst we are aware that some of the regulations may change, we currently do not feel that we can deliver the shows in the way we had planned under the Tier 2 restrictions. Further some of the shows include artists from around the UK and we do not feel it is appropriate for them to travel.

Whilst we are sad about moving these shows, we are not downhearted. Throughout this pandemic we have always tried to take the long term view, these shows will happen, but not just yet.

We fully intend to open in a socially distanced manner in the new year. This is still a challenge we are keen to tackle and one we believe we can do safely given the right set of circumstances.

We will always put the safety of our staff, customers and artists above the short term gain of doing a handful of shows. We hope that you understand

In the meantime we have shows to look forward to next year and additional ones to announce. There is light at the end of the tunnel, we just need to stay the course, so we can all meet up to do the shows in the way we love to do them

We have several new projects we are working on to fill the void and will be using the time constructively to do more maintenance on the building

Thank you all for your patience and support in what is a difficult time for all of us. Stay safe, details on December's shows below


∙ Outlaw Orchestra & Dead Crow Road - 24th Jan

∙ Robert Vincent - Sun 31st Jan

∙ The Jigantics - Sun 7th March

∙ Slady - Sat 13th March


∙ Comedy Club - We hope to resume Comedy in the new year.

∙ Fleetingwood Mac - You will hopefully be able to see them with fewer restrictions next Spring. Tickets still available.

All existing tickets/bookings remain valid for the rescheduled shows. Refunds will be available if you can’t make the new dates. We will be monitoring the situation and reacting to government announcements. Hopefully these dates will stick

Please send any and all queries to ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Covid -19 – An Update

October 2020

We are pleased to announce that as soon as we are allowed we will reopen for some socially distanced shows! Visit our listings to see what we have in store for you, more to be announced shortly. In order to do this safely there will be a number of measures in place to make sure the environment is Covid secure. We know this is going to feel weird but we are determined to do this as safely as possible. So please follow the guidance and be on your best behaviour so everyone attending can enjoy the show and stay safe

A comprehensive list of measures below. Please do feel free to contact us at if you have any concerns. In short

• Reduced capacity with limited spaces available

• Socially distanced bubbles of 2 and 4

• Limited amount of individual tickets for solo gig goers

• Table service via the Butlr app

.•Alternatively you can order from your table and pay by card

• Tickets only available in advance

• Tickets only available online

•You must sign in via the Test & Trace sheet or app

•Masks to be worn on entry, when going to the toilet and when you leave In depth

• Please do not attend the event if you or anyone you have been in contact with are displaying symptoms of COVID-19 or have contracted the virus. The symptoms are: new and persistent cough, loss of taste and/ or smell and a high temperature. If you are displaying these symptoms, we advise that you remain at home and book at test via the NHS Test and Trace service.

• Each group can have a maximum of 6 members. We ask that your social bubble is made up of the government permitted mixture of households. You will be allocated a bubble/ suitable table upon entry and cannot move to another bubble upon allocation. Failure to comply with this will result in removal from the venue. Once you are set up in your bubble, we ask that you remain within that space as best you can for the remainder of the show.

•Bubbles of 2 and 4 are available on our site but if you would like to make a 3 you can, as long as this is arranged in advance and we are notified. Make sure the person buying the ticket for the 2 also buys a ticket for the 1 and we can create a table of 3 for you. It must be in the same persons name for clarity and you must let us know in advance. Please contact if you have any queries regarding this.

• Upon arrival at the venue, we ask that you please complete the NHS Test and Trace form or use the Test and Trace App to scan the venue barcode. This will enable the NHS to contact people who may have come in to contact with an individual who has tested positive for COVID-19 after the event.

• All bubble members must leave contact details, failure to do so will mean that you will not be allowed into the event, nor will your ticket be refunded. Details will be kept for a total of 21 days after the event this allows an incubation period after the event in case of an outbreak.

• We will only use the details given for the NHS Track and Trace service and will not share any information with third parties. After 21 days, the written data will be disposed of in a correct manner which will ensure all data is destroyed.

• No payment for tickets can be made at the venue so please ensure you have bought the correct amount of tickets as you will not be able to purchase any additional ones on the day.

• All customers must social distance when entering, during and leaving the venue.

• Where you can, please remain 2 meters from anyone outside your bubble.

•We ask that all customers make use of Sanitation Stations set up in various locations throughout the venue. Please ensure you are frequently cleaning your hands.

• Please listen to instructions and adhere to details given to you by venue staff.

• You must wear a mask at all times whilst moving around the venue - this can be removed only when sat at your table.

• You are not permitted to bring your own food and drink in to the venue. If individuals are heavily intoxicated, they will be escorted from the building to keep in line with social distancing rules.

• All bar orders where ever possible should be done by the BUTLR ordering app, and drinks will be bought to your table. There will be NO service at the bar.- we can provide alternative means of ordering and contactless payment if needed. Please take your drinks from the tray and put any empties on the tray to be taken away by the bar staff.

• If the event is cancelled due to a change in local or national policy then you will receive a refund to the value of your ticket.

• All adults with children are responsible for their children. This includes in instances of social distancing; parents and guardians must ensure that their children social distance from those outside their bubble.

• If customers are purposely not following social distancing measures, the venue management and security may deem it appropriate to remove individuals from the venue.

• To restrict movement the smoking area will be closed.

• These restrictions are valid at time of ticket sale and may be subject to change in line with current government policy around which Tier Portsmouth is currently. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Covid -19 – An Update

June 2020

The question we have been asked more than any other is - “When are we re-opening?”

Possibly the most difficult question to find a correct answer for in these uncertain times, but this is what we know.

The bulk of the shows we do revolve around live music of one form or another and the core of that involves activities that currently the scientists still say are the most dangerous. People gathering together in a smallish space, for a period of time, singing, laughing, dancing and making physical contact is the essence of what we do, and is the thing that everyone advises we can’t do.

Currently there are no government guidelines or protocols for opening for live performance but we are, as part of the Music Venues Alliance(MVA) ,working with The Music Venues Trust (MVT)on a project called REVS – Reopening Every Venue Safely, - and are presenting this to government. Within that are calculations based around different degrees of social distancing for both 1 and 2 metre.

Under 2m social distancing the capacity of the Wedge falls to10%, and under 1m social distancing to 30%. There are logistics around bars and toilets and the performance itself but we have been looking at these. Sadly, with all the best will in the world the logistics are difficult, and more complicated than shops or pubs. And the economics of opening at these reduced levels just don’t work in a venue where we walk a fine line financially at all times.

As a group of venues the MVA has decided that it will be almost impossible to open in July, August and September safely, given what we know. Hence you may have seen a campaign for the government to fund venues for three months, and until they can open. We will therefore be rescheduling shows in those months to later dates. If you have tickets for a show then you will be notified of the new dates by email.

The other consideration we have is that when we do reopen, we will probably not be able to do this instantly, as a lot of the shows we do revolve around tour schedules in some cases, and around the fact that some bands (tribute bands for example), book their dates well in advance, and moving one has a domino effect on the others.

That all being said we are not down beat or down hearted – we all love what we do and will fight tooth and claw to keep doing it, it’s just a waiting game.

So please bare with us, we will be back as soon as we can.

Team Wedge



March 18th 2020

In light of recent recommendations from the government, and concern for our staff and customers we have decided to pause all events here at The Wedgewood Rooms with immediate effect, and for the foreseeable future, until we have all weathered the incoming storm.

We will obviously be monitoring how things progress and will take the appropriate action and advice from the professionals and will keep you informed.

We are currently working to reschedule as may shows as we can, on a show by show basis. Unfortunately some of the shows may well be cancelled completely. This is a bit of a logistics nightmare so please bear with us whilst we systematically work through.

We will send out weekly bulletins and updates about specific shows, in the afternoon on a Monday, to keep you all informed. The first one of these will follow later today. You should also receive clarification emails via Musicglue if you bought online.

To all those people who have sent the venue and its staff messages we would like to say thank you for your support. For those of you who have offered help and financial/fundraising support a very large thank you.

You can now support us by making a donation at

You can also support us by buying merchandise including t-shirts and old posters.

Besides that the best way to support us is to hold on to tickets for rescheduled dates and come to shows when we are through the other side.

At the moment there are many independent businesses that need your support as they are still trading, please support them.

Whilst we are closed for shows we will be trying to find a use for the building that can benefit the community along with deep cleaning and redecorating.

We are determined to get through this and will return when safe to do so.

Stay safe and once again thanks

All of us at The Wedge x

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